Source code for ledgereth.accounts

from typing import List, Optional

from eth_utils import to_checksum_address

from ledgereth.comms import (
from ledgereth.constants import (
from ledgereth.objects import LedgerAccount
from ledgereth.utils import parse_bip32_path

[docs]def get_account_by_path( path_string: str, dongle: Optional[Dongle] = None ) -> LedgerAccount: """Return an account for a specific `BIP-44`_ derivation path :param path_string: (:code:`str`) - HID derivation path for the account to sign with. :param dongle: (:class:`ledgerblue.Dongle.Dongle`) - The Dongle instance to use to communicate with the Ledger device :return: :class:`ledgereth.objects.LedgerAccount` instance for the given account .. _`BIP-44`: """ dongle = init_dongle(dongle) path = parse_bip32_path(path_string) data = (len(path) // 4).to_bytes(1, "big") + path lc = len(data).to_bytes(1, "big") response = dongle_send_data(dongle, "GET_ADDRESS_NO_CONFIRM", data, Lc=lc) return LedgerAccount(path_string, decode_response_address(response))
[docs]def get_accounts( dongle: Optional[Dongle] = None, count: int = DEFAULT_ACCOUNTS_FETCH ) -> List[LedgerAccount]: """Return available accounts :param dongle: (:class:`ledgerblue.Dongle.Dongle`) - The Dongle instance to use to communicate with the Ledger device :param count: (:code:`int`) - Amount of accounts to return :return: list of :class:`ledgereth.objects.LedgerAccount` instances found on the ledger """ accounts = [] dongle = init_dongle(dongle) for i in range(count): if LEGACY_ACCOUNTS: path_string = f"44'/60'/0'/{i}" else: path_string = f"44'/60'/{i}'/0/0" account = get_account_by_path(path_string, dongle) accounts.append(account) return accounts
[docs]def find_account( address: str, dongle: Optional[Dongle] = None, count: int = MAX_ACCOUNTS_FETCH ) -> Optional[LedgerAccount]: """Find an account by address :param address: (:class:`str`) - An address to look up :param dongle: (:class:`ledgerblue.Dongle.Dongle`) - The Dongle instance to use to communicate with the Ledger device :param count: (:code:`int`) - How deep in the derivation sequence to look :return: :class:`ledgereth.objects.LedgerAccount` instance if found on the Ledger """ address = to_checksum_address(address) for account in get_accounts(dongle, count): if account.address == address: return account return None