Source code for ledgereth.transactions

import binascii
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from eth_utils import decode_hex
from rlp import Serializable, encode

from ledgereth.comms import Dongle, dongle_send_data, init_dongle
from ledgereth.objects import (
from ledgereth.utils import (

Text = Union[str, bytes]

[docs]def sign_transaction( tx: Serializable, sender_path: str = DEFAULT_PATH_STRING, dongle: Optional[Dongle] = None, ) -> SignedTransaction: """Sign a :class:`rlp.Serializable` transaction object. Compatible with ledgereth and transaction objects. :param tx: (:class:`rlp.Serializable`) - Serializable transaction object to sign :param sender_path: (:code:`str`) - HID derivation path for the account to sign with. Defaults to first account in the derivation path. :param dongle: (:class:`ledgerblue.Dongle.Dongle`) - The Dongle instance to use to communicate with the Ledger device :return: :class:`ledgereth.objects.SignedTransaction` instance for transaction """ given_dongle = dongle is not None dongle = init_dongle(dongle) retval = None if isinstance(tx, Transaction): encoded_tx = encode(tx, Transaction) elif isinstance(tx, Type1Transaction): encoded_tx = tx.transaction_type.to_byte() + encode(tx, Type1Transaction) elif isinstance(tx, Type2Transaction): encoded_tx = tx.transaction_type.to_byte() + encode(tx, Type2Transaction) else: raise ValueError( "Only Transaction and Type2Transaction objects are currently supported" ) if not is_bip32_path(sender_path): raise ValueError("Invalid sender BIP32 path given to sign_transaction") path = parse_bip32_path(sender_path) payload = (len(path) // 4).to_bytes(1, "big") + path + encoded_tx chunk_count = 0 for chunk in chunks(payload, DATA_CHUNK_SIZE): chunk_size = len(chunk) if chunk_count == 0: retval = dongle_send_data( dongle, "SIGN_TX_FIRST_DATA", chunk, Lc=chunk_size.to_bytes(1, "big"), ) else: retval = dongle_send_data( dongle, "SIGN_TX_SECONDARY_DATA", chunk, Lc=chunk_size.to_bytes(1, "big"), ) chunk_count += 1 if retval is None or len(retval) < 64: raise Exception("Invalid response from Ledger") chain_id = tx.chain_id or DEFAULT_CHAIN_ID r = int(binascii.hexlify(retval[1:33]), 16) s = int(binascii.hexlify(retval[33:65]), 16) if tx.transaction_type < TransactionType.EIP_2930: if (chain_id * 2 + 35) + 1 > 255: ecc_parity = retval[0] - ((chain_id * 2 + 35) % 256) v = (chain_id * 2 + 35) + ecc_parity else: v = retval[0] signed = SignedTransaction( nonce=tx.nonce, gas_price=tx.gas_price, gas_limit=tx.gas_limit, destination=tx.destination, amount=tx.amount,, v=v, r=r, s=s, ) else: y_parity = retval[0] if tx.transaction_type == TransactionType.EIP_2930: signed = SignedType1Transaction( chain_id=tx.chain_id, nonce=tx.nonce, gas_limit=tx.gas_limit, destination=tx.destination, amount=tx.amount,, gas_price=tx.gas_price, access_list=tx.access_list, y_parity=y_parity, sender_r=r, sender_s=s, ) else: signed = SignedType2Transaction( chain_id=tx.chain_id, nonce=tx.nonce, gas_limit=tx.gas_limit, destination=tx.destination, amount=tx.amount,, max_priority_fee_per_gas=tx.max_priority_fee_per_gas, max_fee_per_gas=tx.max_fee_per_gas, access_list=tx.access_list, y_parity=y_parity, sender_r=r, sender_s=s, ) # If this func inited the dongle, then close it, otherwise core dump if not given_dongle: dongle.close() return signed
[docs]def create_transaction( destination: Text, amount: int, gas: int, nonce: int, data: Text = b"", gas_price: int = 0, max_priority_fee_per_gas: int = 0, max_fee_per_gas: int = 0, chain_id: int = DEFAULT_CHAIN_ID, sender_path: str = DEFAULT_PATH_STRING, access_list: Optional[List[Tuple[Union[bytes, str], List[int]]]] = None, dongle: Optional[Dongle] = None, ) -> SignedTransaction: """Create and sign a transaction from given arguments. :param destination: (:code:`str|bytes`) - Destination address (AKA :code:`to`) :param amount: (:code:`int`) - Transaction value in wei :param gas: (:code:`int`) - Gas limit for the transaction :param nonce: (:code:`int`) - Nonce for the transaction :param data: (:code:`str|bytes`) - Transaction data (e.g. contract calldata) :param gas_price: (:code:`int`) - Gas price in wei to use for the transaction. This is not compatible with :code:`max_fee_per_gas`. :param max_priority_fee_per_gas: (:code:`int`) - Priority fee per gas (in wei) to provide to the miner of the block. :param max_fee_per_gas: (:code:`int`) - Maximum fee in wei to pay for the transaction. This is not compatible with :code:`gas_price`. :param chain_id: (:code:`int`) - Chain ID to limit the transaction to. Defaults to :code:`1`. :param sender_path: (:code:`str`) - `BIP-44`_ HD derivation path for the account to sign with. Defaults to first account in the default derivation path. :param access_list: (:code:`List[Tuple[bytes, List[int]]]`) - `EIP-2930`_ access list to use for the transaction. :param dongle: (:class:`ledgerblue.Dongle.Dongle`) - The Dongle instance to use to communicate with the Ledger device :return: :class:`ledgereth.objects.SignedTransaction` instance for transaction .. _`BIP-44`: .. _`EIP-2930`: """ given_dongle = dongle is not None dongle = init_dongle(dongle) if type(destination) == str and is_hex_string(destination): destination = decode_hex(destination) if not data: data = b"" elif type(data) == str and is_hex_string(data): data = decode_hex(data) # be cool mypy assert isinstance(destination, bytes) assert isinstance(data, bytes) # EIP-1559 transactions should never have gas_price if gas_price and (max_priority_fee_per_gas or max_fee_per_gas): raise ValueError( "gas_price is incompatible with max_priority_fee_per_gas and max_fee_per_gas" ) # Create a serializable tx object if max_fee_per_gas: tx = Type2Transaction( destination=destination, amount=amount, gas_limit=gas, data=data, nonce=nonce, chain_id=chain_id, max_priority_fee_per_gas=max_priority_fee_per_gas, max_fee_per_gas=max_fee_per_gas, access_list=coerce_access_list(access_list), ) elif access_list is not None: tx = Type1Transaction( destination=destination, amount=amount, gas_limit=gas, data=data, nonce=nonce, chain_id=chain_id, gas_price=gas_price, access_list=coerce_access_list(access_list), ) else: tx = Transaction( destination=destination, amount=amount, gas_limit=gas, gas_price=gas_price, data=data, nonce=nonce, chain_id=chain_id, ) signed = sign_transaction(tx, sender_path, dongle=dongle) # If this func inited the dongle, then close it, otherwise core dump if not given_dongle: dongle.close() return signed
[docs]def decode_transaction(rawtx: bytes, signed: bool = False) -> SerializableTransaction: """Decode a raw transaction to a Serializable transaction object :param rawtx: (:code:`bytes`) - Raw transaction to decode :param signed: (:code:`bool`) - If the raw transaction is a signed transaction. :return: Decoded :class:`ledgereth.objects.SerializableTransaction` instance for transaction """ tx_type = rawtx[0] tx = None if tx_type < 127: if tx_type == 1: if signed: return SignedType1Transaction.from_rawtx(rawtx) else: return Type1Transaction.from_rawtx(rawtx) elif tx_type == 2: if signed: return SignedType2Transaction.from_rawtx(rawtx) else: return Type2Transaction.from_rawtx(rawtx) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Support for transaction type {tx_type} has not yet been implemented" ) elif signed: return SignedTransaction.from_rawtx(rawtx) return Transaction.from_rawtx(rawtx)